Healing Purpose
Healing is the core purpose of our Church.

The Bible has many examples of Jesus’ healings. They inspire
and help us understand more about the method Jesus used when healing
the sick or the sinner. Mary Baker Eddy, our founder, when at the point of death,
opened her Bible, and by reading a passage was instantly healed.
She began to study her Bible prayerfully to discover how this had
Then Mrs Eddy decided to write a book, a ‘key to the
Scriptures’ which she wanted to share and explain to the world.
This book she named Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Soon a church was built in Boston USA, and later an even larger one.
People from all over the world can attend an Annual meeting in The
Mother Church.
Christian Science services include readings from
the Bible and from Science and Health, and the subject changes
each week.
Our healing churches are now spread all over the world. As an
outreach to the world a weekly magazine the Christian Science Sentinel was published
with testimonies and helpful articles about Christian Science.
This was followed by The Christian Science Journal which included
a wide range of articles on spiritual topics, a directory of
the names of Christian Science practitioners and details of all Churches and
service times.
The Herald of Christian Science is also published in foreign languages.
In 1908, Mrs Eddy founded a world daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor.
Our Reading Room is open
every day for quiet study, reading, and inquiries to the Librarian.
Everyone is welcome. There is a creche and Sunday School every Sunday.
Core Teachings
Christian Science teaches us about God’s Love for all mankind, showing us how to express and demonstrate Love in our daily lives.
Eleventh Church, London was formed in 1922, its purpose being “to spread the truth of the healing Christ as revealed to this age by Mary Baker Eddy.”
The first service was held in Oxford Street and then the church grew and opened a Sunday School and a Reading Room. With increasing numbers the Church found a more permanent site at 1 Nutford Place.

The Church was purpose-built and services began in the Sunday School part of the building in 1925. All costs were met and building work continued and was completed in 1927. The dedication service took place on 1 January 1928.
As you can see, the Church has moved again, this time to King’s Cross where God has led us.

Services in our new building began on Sunday, 3rd January 2016.
This church, like the original Christian Science church called The Mother Church, was
“Designed to be built on the Rock, Christ; even the understanding and demonstration of divine Truth, Life, and Love, healing and saving the world from sin and death; thus to reflect in some degree the Church Universal and Triumphant.”
Church Manual p19