Reading Room

Each church provides a Reading Room for the community. The Reading Room provides a place to find out more about Christian Science where you can ask the Librarian or member of the church questions and read or buy literature.

We sell a large variety of books and magazines about Christian Science, as well as different editions of the Bible and study books about the scriptures. There is also a lending library and a large reference collection of books and magazines.

Visitors are also welcome to use our computer, with links to various Christian Science websites. Our opening hours are currently as follows;

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10:30am to 2:30pm


The Christian Science Sentinel

“What I say unto you I say unto all, watch.”

The Christian Science Sentinel’s articles, editorials, and firsthand accounts of healing show in practical terms how Christian Science can bring healing to any situation. Learn more


Current issue: February 24, 2025

Guidance from above

Guidance from above Read... Listen...

The Christian Science Journal

“...Designed to bear aloft the standard of genuine Christian Science.”
 -Mary Baker Eddy

The Christian Science Journal contains instructive articles and verified reports of Christian healing, to help you understand the divine Principle, and apply the practice, of Christian Science. Learn more


Current issue: December 2024

Readers respond Read...

The Christian Science Monitor

The object of the Monitor is to injure no man, but to bless all mankind” – Mary Baker Eddy

The Christian Science Monitor is a news weekly that confidently confronts today’s complex and changing world. The Monitor imparts understanding with insight, intelligence, and integrity. Learn more


A Monitor perspective

The loyalty that unites us Read...

When we need to improve Read...


Le Héraut de la Science Chrétienne

Le Héraut montre l’universalité de la Science Chrétienne par des articles et des récits de guérison en provenance de nombreuses parties du monde. Lisez davantage

Der Herold der Christlichen Wissenschaft

Der Herold zeigt die Universalität der Christlichen Wissenschaft durch Artikel und Heilungsberichte aus vielen Teilen der Welt. Erfahren Sie mehr

El Heraldo de la Ciencia Cristiana

Presenta la universalidad de la Ciencia Cristiana por medio de artículos y relatos de curaciones de diversas partes del mundo. Obtenga más información

O Arauto da Ciência Cristã

Apresenta a universalidade da Ciência Cristã por meio de artigos e relatos de cura, provenientes de diversas partes do mundo. Obtenha mais informação